Saturday 28 May 2011


If you enjoy cheesecake desserts, this is a winner! The dish is always licked clean!
Biscuit crust
I packet tennis biscuits (crushed)
60ml butter (melted)
100g slivered almonds (roasted until golden)

Mix the ingredients together , using only half the almonds , and press into a rectangular dish (+- 30cm x 20cm) or a large round pyrex dish. Set aside in the fridge.


1 tin full cream condensed milk
80ml lemon juice
300g fresh strawberries
1t vanilla essence
250ml fresh cream
250g smooth cottage cheese

1.  Blend the condensed milk and lemon juice until the mixture thickens.
2.  Wash, dry and hull the strawberries and keep 10 for decoration.
3.  Blend the remainder with the condensed milk.
4.  Add cottage cheese and vanilla essence.
5.  Whip the cream separately until thick and fold into the cheese mixture.
6.  Pour into the dish with the biscuit crust.
7.  Decorate with the remaining strawberries and roasted almonds and chill in the fridge.

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